17 March, 2012

Home Sweet Home

Its been a while since we have been going back and forth to check up on our house in U.A.E. I must say, I wish I could exchange houses and bring the house from U.A.E to Kuwait. The walk into the neighbour rather made me truly feel like home. Although the weather in Sharjah is much hotter and suffocating, I honestly love my neighbourhood back there.Unlike in Kuwait, we always get these huge sandstorms where we're forced to be caged home.

                  Over the fence ..

Another new change for me and one that is causing me a lot of problems is this ...

I've suddenly stopped crocheting. I'm very disappointed at me and the fact that I haven't finished my scarf yet.

At the moment, I'm..
- anticipating for my new bathtub. Sooo excited!! Those pictures in the magazines I bought has made me have serious wanties for this summer.
-delighted to be wearing summer clothes! So one day it's PEACH and the next it's YELLOW. I would try wearing  other colours though. Except I quit wearing maxi skirts!
- so sad it's my worst time of year. The weather keeps getting worse out here. Trees are soaked with sand, the smell of dust is in the air, the evenings are filled with slack.
- secretly confessing that I have been missing my dad ...
- touched by your concern by my long blog absence. I am fine but needed (and still need I think) to have a break from blogging. I feel I have lost my blogging voice a bit. What can I say, I don't live an exciting life and do anything different really from year to year.

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