05 October, 2009

Exactly Where to Touch a Naked Man

  1. Ears: Flicking a tongue into his ear has been known to make a grown man purr
  2. Inner arms: He can feel your touch better on hairless areas like this than on those covered in man fur.
  3. Ridge of the neck: Men and women alike have an abundance of nerve endings here, so stroking feels very good.
  4. Nipples: They work! They work! In one study, more than half of men were aroused by stimulation here.
  5. Butt: Running your nails over his rear feels great—guys hold a lot of tension in their cheeks.
  6. Joints: The spots behind the knees and elbows tend to be very sensitive. (True for women, too, so tell him it’s mutual.)
  7. Don’t forget here! The frenulum, the bit of tissue on the underside that connects the head and shaft, is the most sensitive spot on many guys’ bodies.

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