13 October, 2009

Real Chocolate Chips

This is a brilliant flavor combo - salty ridged potato chips gently dipped in milk chocolate. It's a little crunchy and wildly addictive.

So I figured it couldn't be too difficult to just make these at home - at first melting the chocolate the old fashioned way over a double boiler was what I envisioned.

Simply microwave the chocolate till it's soft and liquid and dip away, one chip at a time. Resist the temptation to thickly coat each chip ~ just one reasonable dip for 1 or 2 seconds will get the right flavor combo. Also, the chocolate really wants to adhere to anything it's come into contact with as it dries so be sure to let these set up on waxed paper or they will break when you remove them.

Of course purists will want to make their potato chips from scratch - the ridged style is really what makes this recipe work - that, and a very light cooking oil so as not to interfere with the chocolate flavor.

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